-When editing an existing table a new migration should be created for altering the table. -When adding columns to existing table Model should also edit documentation for swagger documentation generation -When adding columns to existing table should also edit dashboard CRUD for the new fields. -Registeration API accpets same email and cell_phone, validation should check unique values for email and cell_phone. -Login API should return incorrect passsword or email error not "Unauthenticated". -Password change api should have password, confirm_password, new_password. -Write documentatio for all api functions in FrontUserAPIController, ContactUsAPIController. -Create custom Requests for validation of different api requets and remove validation from api controllers. -Create seeder with faker for blog posts to test properly. ------------------------------------------------------------- -Should revert all changes to font_users table migration (you will find original file attached) and create it in new migration, after reverting to intially created file, the following issues should be addressed. $table->text('email')->unique();//unique has been removed ,email should be unique. $table->boolean('pending')->default(true); //has been added, should be in new mgration $table->text('remember_token')->nullable(); //nullable has been removed, should be nullable $table->string('code', 6)->change();//has been added, should be in new mgration -Also add the down() function code reversing the up() in the new migration: for example if up() is : Schema::table('front_users', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->string('code', 6)->default('')->change(); }); down() should be (Retrieving edit performed by the migration): Schema::table('front_users', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->string('code', 6)->change(); });